Your Love Deserves More, Stop Settling for Less 


Join the next Couples Communication & Conflict Breakthrough Intensive where REAL couples come to do REAL work to master the art of communication and resolve conflict. 



3 Hour Intensive 

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3 Hour Intensive

Access Digital Materials 


(2 hour) 1:1 Coaching Intensive follow up

I. Learn How to Fight For Your Love Without Tearing Each Other Down

  • Work together to recognize your specific negative interaction patterns
  • Guided activity to uncover the underlying emotions driving these patterns and how they impact communication.

II. Clear Communication: Say what you mean, hear what your partner’s REALLY saying

  • Learn practical tools to disrupt negative cycles and reduce conflict intensity.
  • Activities focused on expressing core emotions and needs in a way that fosters connection rather than conflict.

III. Custom Tools: Specific strategies that actually WORK for your relationship

  • Practice using communication strategies to handle disagreements constructively.
  • Couples create a personalized plan to maintain emotional connection and manage future conflicts.

Register Now

Secure your spot in our next intensive to have the clarity and connection you both deserve! 

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