Cohort Details

Cohort is led by licensed associate therapist, relationship expert and coach, Elvery Tinsley 

Cohort meets 1 DAY for 6 hours in person, with a 40 minute break  (snacks provided)

Upon completion, receive a Marriage Masters Academy certificate

Date: September 14, 2024 , 10a-4p  

Register by: September 8th

*seats are limited to 8 couples*

Cost: $600 (valued at $1300) 

**payment plans available**

Location: Brownsburg Library: Sharpe Room 

450 South Jefferson Street, Brownsburg, IN 46112

This is an alternative and affordable option to get to the root of your struggles and back to living and loving your life together without spending months and thousands in therapy.   

What's Covered In The Academy: 

 Identifying Common Relationship Patterns

You will have some aha moments and gain understanding of how you argue, the moves you make during the arguments, the impact of emotions on your communication and connection. You will be able to recognize and express your emotions effectively.

Improve Communication and Connection

You will get a close look at what is fueling the disconnection, gain some core listening and validation skills, discover how to shift your mindset from an insecure strategy to a secure strategy, learn how to navigate the challenges and view them as opportunities not threats. 

The Path To Greater Harmony

You will create new ways  to build connection by understanding the path to deescalate conflict while you're knee deep in a disagreement.  You will also understand how to bounce back after a blow up to build a sense of safety and emotional connection. 

How to Keep Your Love Alive 

Leave the academy with your action of loving each other as a  continuous process.  You will gain strategies to find connection again as it comes and goes. You will learn how to be intentional and deliberate about building your love story to have the relationship you desire now and in the future. 

Is this for you?

It is For You if:

  • You're ready for a transformative solution right now that will take months to receive in therapy
  • You're ready to tackle the negative patterns that's keeping you disconnected
  • You're open to learning and growth as a couple 
  • You're ready to invest in having a secure and fulfilled marriage

It is Not For You if:

  • You have already decided you're done trying
  • You think your spouse/partner is always the problem, not you
  • You're not ready to challenge yourself to grow
  • You're not willing to put in the effort to make changes
  • You don't value investing in your relationship
  • You're complacent with staying in the same patterns and disconnected cycles

Got Questions? We Have Answers...

What should I expect from the academy? 

Expect to have a great time while learning and growing on your journey towards a better relationship! You can expect to gain insight quickly into what has been causing disconnection in your marriage and walk away with an action plan to have a secure and healthy marriage.  The environment is relaxed and will be a fun interactive vibe! 

The problems in my marriage feel so big and I’m worried that others in the academy will judge me.

We prioritize and value creating a judge-free confidential zone which is why everyone takes the academy pledge upon signing up for the cohort. 

We don't accept perfect people we all have room for growth! 

Can I join the academy and participate by myself if my partner doesn't want to? 

Unfortunately this is for couples. This is a hands on experience where both parties must be present. 

We have a Marriage Masters Membership where you can join by yourself. We do believe you can influence your spouse by applying the things you learn and gain from the workshops. Someone has to be the MVP for your relationship and if that has to be you. Join us! 

You will receive tools and resources to breathe new life in your relationship. Take the tools and resources you're learning back to your spouse and implement with them. Where else are you getting tools and resources to build your secure relationship? Chances are if they don't want to participate in membership with you they aren't interested in going to couples counseling or therapy either. 

What if we are not satisfied after the academy? 

Although the academy is NON REFUNDABLE,  we are confident in the resources and value provided during the academy so if you aren't happy we'd love to hear from you to learn the reason why. Send us an email to 

What's the workshop format?

Interactive discussions, role playing, activities, and group discussions. There will be opportunities to reflect individually and collectively. You will be at your own table to maintain a level of confidentiality and privacy. You will only be invited to share to your comfort level. 

I have more questions, who do I contact?

You can send an email to or send a message via inbox on Facebook or Instagram @loveminuslimitsllc.
